How Albinism Treatment
The perception of being different can lead a lot of Albinism to have emotional issues.Most albinism have problems with their eyes and very poor sight- some require eye surgery.Almost all children with Albinism face teasing throughout their school years, but also for much of their life.Albinism affects one’s ability to see images as well as one’s sensitivity to light. Our fovea, a pit in the center of the retina, is packed with millions of cones that provide color sensitivity to the eye.
We need cones to see details clearly when reading, recognizing a face or watching television. During development, melanin helps our fovea form properly, but its exact role is unknown. In albinism, the pit may not form, and the area may have too few cones [source: Kelly]. Print may blur, and the eyes, continuously seeking a clear picture, may make involuntary motions — a condition called nystagmus [source: Weber]. The head may wobble to compensate.Congenital hypopigmentary disorders, known as albinism, result from a defect in the production of pigment (melanin) in the skin, eyes, and hair.This is due to the dysfunction of the melanin-producing cells (melanocytes).
There is no Cure for albinism. Treatment is aimed to ease the symptoms and it depends on the extent of the disorder. Treatment of the eye conditions consists of visual rehabilitation.Optometrists or ophthalmologists recommend various optical aids. Young children may simply need glasses, and older children can sometimes benefit from bifocal glasses.The most promising treatment for nystagmus is the eye muscle surgery that reduces the movement of the eyes but vision may not improve in all cases due to other associated eye abnormalities.
For photophobia the eye doctors prescribe dark glasses that shield the eyes from bright light. In case of strabismus, ophthalmologists prefer to treat the infants at the age of six months before the function of their eyes has developed fully. They may recommend that parents patch one eye to promote the use of the non-preferred eye.Although surgery is rarely part of treatment for albinism, your ophthalmologist may recommend surgery on optical muscles that minimizes nystagmus and may provide modest improvement in vision. Surgery to correct strabismus may make the condition less noticeable, but it won’t improve eyesight or vision.
Patients with albinism should avoid excessive exposure to the sun, to wear proper glasses, take vitaminsand other prescription gave them by the doctor, cover their skin as much as possible. Before conceive a baby, parents should make tests, to identify the albinism gene and to be sure that their child doesn’t inherit the albinism. Prevent is the best doctor in world. The most accurate type of test is the genetic one. The only treatment to Cure for albinism is to reduce the symptoms.
Optometrists recommend various optical aids, like simply glasses or bifocal glasses. Rehabilitation is a reliable treatment for eye, but it’s not a cure. There are only solutions to make their life better, but this is an illness with no cure it’s a genetically illness. All people with albinism can’t be treated but can be prudent, and doctors can make their life easier.