Bonsai Care Tips
If you have a bonsai plant and you always complaint about the bonsai withering and dying, then probably you are not caring well for your bonsai. Needless to say, these bonsai plants add greenery to indoors apart from being aesthetically pleasant to your eyes in different forms and shapes.It’s important to understand that a bonsai plant will grow well if you mirror their natural conditions well. Light, soil, temperature, water and humidity are the key elements that affect the development of a bonsai plant.
The requirements of water for bonsai is different from other plants and trees Not all plants will grow well as bonsai. Cone bearing trees develop into very good bonsai’s whereas fruit and flower bearing plants will grow well until the fruits or flowers appear. Ficus, Jade and Fukien tea plants grow very well as indoor bonsai’s.If you have an outdoor bonsai keep in mind the location for your bonsai.
The outdoor bonsai plants should receive at least 6 hours of sunlight whereas indoor bonsai require 2-4 hours of window or artificial light.Usually a bonsai requires water in small amounts but quite often. In summer months water your plants more frequently than winters. Its good to maintain a damp soil but make sure do not water excessively so as to leave its roots standing in water.
Temperature is another critical element. Usually indoor bonsai develop well at room temperatures but if you have an outdoor bonsai place it very thoughtfully.Apart from temperature a bonsai requires supplemental moisture for proper growth. If humidity levels in you house are low, then place your bonsai pot in a tray with a little water as to increase the humidity levels around the bonsai.
You should re-pot your bonsai once every 2-5 years depending on type and age of the tree. Need for re-potting arises as the nutrients from the soil are used up by the growing plant. Re-potting your bonsai with bonsai potting soil or compost will add nutrients back to the soil and your bonsai will develop well.Bonsai plants can be trained by using special wires to form and shape the branches. Use aluminum wires since these are gentle and soft on the branches. Use a thick wire instead of a thin wire, since thin wire scratches the bark of the tree.
Pruning is very important for bonsai development. After the plant has flowered cut the leaf buds and remove unnecessary branches. Pine and cone bearing trees need pruning in spring when the buds appear.Pruning is done to stop excessive growth. Juniper trees require frequent pruning since they grow throughout the year.