Saturday, 17 November 2012

Tackle Wisdom Teeth Problems | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Tackle Wisdom Teeth Problems | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Tackle Wisdom Teeth Problems

usually appear when you are 17-25 years old. These are the last set of teeth to appear. Sometimes people older than 30 yearsdevelop wisdom teeth problems, which requires surgical removal of the wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are four in number; two are at the top and two at the bottom and develop at the back of the mouth.Different people have different levels of pain when wisdom tooth comes out. In most of the cases the wisdom tooth growsnormally with little pain, but can cause discomfort while you are eating.
People sometimes experience severe pain when the growth of the wisdom tooth gets obstructed by the tooth in front. It’s when the tooth can become infected easily and can cause problems.Wisdom teeth that are healthy and positioned correctly do not cause many problems. Problem arises when the tooth erupts crooked or face the wrong direction or sometimes is unable to break through the gums.

you go through once your wisdom teeth begins to Emerge. You start to feel stiffness in jaw close to the affected area. Swelling and infection occurs inside the mouth that can make you feel very uneasy and uncomfortable.Once you wisdom teeth begins to arise you may get frequent sinus headaches and colds. Not only this your gums become tender and lymph nodes becomes swollen.You might also experience earaches, mind it they are very hard to bear.  You even might cause damage to your tongue or cheeks causing pain due to incorrect positioning of the tooth.
Wisdom tooth ache needs attention of a doctor and usually leads to removal to get relief from pain. However some simple home remedies are useful in controlling the pain.To get quick relief from the pain apply a slice of lemon on the affected area. You can also apply clove of garlic with little salt to get quick relief from pain. Another convenient way is to apply solution of lemon juice and asafetida with cotton dab to control severe pain.
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