Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Hot Flashes Treatment | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Hot Flashes Treatment | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Hot Flashes Treatment

Hot flashes seem to be a personal experience. Many women we talked to tried various diet remedies and supplements but results are often inconsistent. Let’s look at some common diet solutions for hot flashes and their scientific evidence.Hot flashes are the classic sign of themenopause and pre-menopause transition. No two women describe the exact same symptoms when talking about a hot flash.They are generally a sudden, intense sensation of heat that spreads over the chest and travels to the neck, face and head.
Following this feeling of intense heat, a woman commonly notices reddening of the head and neck area. This then leads to perspiration and a cooling or chilling phase. Some women may also experience an intense episode of sweating. The typical hot flash lasts approximately 2-3 minutes. They are most common during perimenopause and the first one to two years after menopause. Although variable, hot flashes generally occur every 2-4 hours. Despite the increase in skin temperature, there is no change in core body temperature.
Herbal remedies to Cure for hot flashes for women with hot flashes include:
1.Plants that cool the system, such as chickweed, elder and violet;
2.Plants that nourish or increase oxygen utilization in the liver, such as dong quai, dandelion, Ho Shou Wu (polygonum multiflorum) and yellow dock; and
3.Plants rich in phytosterols, such as black cohosh.
Herbs and supplements found helpful include dong quai, black cohosh, blue cohosh, unicorn root, fennel, sarsaparilla, red clover, wild yam root, yam, bioflavonoids and vitamin E. Dr. Michael Murray finds the four most useful herbs for treatment of hot flashes to be dong quai, licorice root, chasteberry (vitex) and black cohosh.
Hot flashes deplete vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Frequent use of red clover or oatstraw infusions will help replace these needed nutrients,31 or these nutrients can also be found in food, or taken as supplements.Hormone Therapy – Fortunately, there are many choices to consider when contemplating hormone therapy forCure for hot flashes. Adjusting dosages to use the lowest possible dose is a commonly recommended approach.
Using alternative means of delivering medication to allow for the lowest doses and steadiest levels of hormone in the body is found with today’s hormone patches.Soy Protein – Increasing the amount of soy protein in your diet can be an effective remedy to Cure for hot flashes some of the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes
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