Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedy | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedy | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedy

Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedy, stretch marks can be described as lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Such lines are mainly found in the abdominal wall, below the umbilicus, but can also occur over the thighs and breasts. While pregnancy is the predominant cause of stretch marks, other reasons include gain or loss in weight, rapid growth (especially in adolescents), heredity factors, stress and changes in physical conditions. Medically termed as striae gravidarum, stretch marks are initially pink in color, but change to white later on. Mistaken for scars, they are essentially a flattened, thin epidermis, overlying gaps in the dermis, left by stretched or torn elastin fibers. Given below are some of the home remedies for getting rid from them easily.

Home Remedies

  • One of the simplest, yet effective home remedies for stretch marks would be to apply lavender oil on the marks, three times a day.
  • Another home remedy would be to apply Aloe Vera gel on the marks. They would initially, lighten and finally, remove the marks from the body.
  • Prepare a mixture by adding seven drops of lavender oil and a few drops of chamomile oil to an ounce of carrier oil (avocado, sweet almond or jojoba oil). Use it to massage the affected area.
  • Includes lots of green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, liver and dairy products in your diet.
  • Consume seeds and nuts that contain zinc. They will prove effective in removing stretch marks.
  • In a blender, mix ½ cup olive oil, ¼ cup Aloe vera gel, liquid from 6 Vitamin E capsules and liquid from 4 Vitamin A capsules. Store it in a container and place it in the refrigerator. Apply this mixture wherever stretch marks appear.
  • Aroma oil is beneficial in treating stretch marks problem. Apply some of this oil on the stretch marks and massage well.
  • Rub the affected area with apricot scrub. This is likely to remove the stretch marks gradually.
  • Cocoa butter is beneficial in treating stretch marks. Apply it two times a day, in the morning as well as in the evening, over the affected area. This would help remove the marks.
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