Monday, 15 October 2012

Pink Eye Home Remedy | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Pink Eye Home Remedy | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Pink Eye Home Remedy

Conjunctivitis or commonly known as pink eye is caused due to inflammation of membrane covering white part of your eyes and the lining of inner surface of eyelids which is also called as conjunctiva. There is nothing to panic about it as it poses no danger to your eyes but is quite irritating. The white part of the eye looks pinkish. Are pink eyes contagious? Yes and no! Allergic and chemical Conjunctivitis are not contagious but pink eyes contagious if it is due to viral or bacterial infection.

Symptoms of pink eye or symptoms of conjunctivitis

Symptoms of pink eye includes itchy sensation of eyes, redness, burning sensation and watering of eyes in inner eyelid which could lead to sticky discharge from the eyes. This discharge sometimes could seal the eyelid together overnight. In bacterial type the discharge appears like pus and if it is due to virus then discharge will be thinner and more of a watery type.

Causes of pink eye

Pink eye is primarily caused due to allergy to pollen, house dust and some type of make ups. This type of conjunctivitis is called as allergic pink eye.
Pinkeye could also be caused due to chemical reasons. This may include exposure to chemical irritants like factory fumes, tobacco smoke or excess chlorine in swimming pools. This is called as chemical conjunctivitis.
Third form of conjunctivitis is caused due to bacteria. This type of pinkeye is contagious and proper care is required for the patient or else it could lead to epidemic.

Natural home remedy for pink eye – pinkeye and treatment – cure for pink eye

Pink eye patient should avoid excessive intake of starchy and sugary food which could be in the form of white bread, potatoes, puddings, pies, sugar, jams and cakes etc. Raw juices of certain vegetables like carrot & spinach is helpful for pink eye patients. Vitamin A and Vitamin B2 is found to be helpful in patients for conjunctivitis. Sources of Vitamin A are whole milk, butter, curd, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, mango, papaya etc. Foods rich in vitamin B2 are green leafy vegetables, milk, citrus fruits, banana, tomato, and almonds.
A cold foment also gives immediate relief in Pink Eye by chasing away overactive local blood supply. Saturate a small hand towel with cold water. Squeeze excess water and use it to cover your eyes gently. Cover this with a piece of warm cloth to retain temperature for long. Repeat the process as foment gets warm. Do this procedure for an hour. After terminating the wet pack, cover your eyes with dry towel. Lie back. The damages eye tissues return to normal by carrying out this process. Do this procedure every night for 3 to 4 days.
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